Pre-Order CoSM Journal: Entheon Now! Celebrating Visionary Art's Timeless Journey
CoSM Journal: Entheon
A special 462 page hardcover edition of CoSM Journal of Visionary Culture
Press Release edited by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey
Official guide to the inaugural installation of Entheon
Pre-Order Today
An official celebration of Entheon's first year, this volume honors the Quest of Intention founded by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey.
A collaboration across time and space, this publication includes a History of Visionary Art that began 40,000 years ago , followed by many outstanding works of visionary art emergent throughout history, including the contemporary cutting-edge works of this perennial art movement.
On June 3, 1976, Alex Grey & Allyson Grey had a simultaneous mystical vision, an experience that profoundly transformed their lives and art. This anniversary marks their first encounter with the Universal Mind Lattice and the Jewel Net of Indra, an infinite web of interconnectedness that has continued to inspire their work. The Sacred Mirrors series, a cornerstone of contemporary Visionary Art, also contained in this volume, portrays Life Energy, the body, mind & spirit born from that visionary experience.
On June 3, 2023, CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, opened to the public, the doors of Entheon.
Your continued support and presence in the global Visionary Art community has been essential to the emergence of CoSM. Join in celebrating this evolving legacy.